In the version 1.1.0-AC the major functionality upgrade was introduced.


Major functionality upgrade, payment model and required scopes changed


New features video introduction and documentation


  • Reworked user interface

  • Added option to store API definition as attachment

  • Remote definitions are now supported (including password- and token-protected)

  • Improved error handling and reporting

  • Appearance options are added

  • Upgraded to latest SwaggerUI version (3.43)

In order to cover expenses on hosting the widget, adding new features and keep widget support starting with this version widget becomes paid. Details can be found in ‘Pricing’ section. There are more improvements in the pipeline and you won’t be disappointed. Feel free to send feature request via support portal.

Starting from this version in addition to ‘read’ widget requires ‘write’ permissions. It is needed to make ‘save as attachment’ feature work. The only ‘write’ is done when attached file is created/updated. No other write activities are performed.

There is no extra steps are needed to upgrade from previous 1.0.13-AC to recent 1.1.0-AC.

Visualization looks exactly the same.

The biggest change is in the configuration. You can see much more options in 1.1.0-AC version. The main content is automatically copied to the new main text area. No extra steps are needed.

Enjoy the new version.

Feel free to report any upgrade or usage issue at Customer Support portal.